First Year Students

Every year, Colorado College enrolls an academically accomplished student body that encompasses a wide variety of interests, talents, and backgrounds. 我们的整体评估过程考虑了你的学术工作, writing, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, 你独特的才能和个人品质, and testing - 如果你选择提交考试成绩.

Colorado College is distinctive among highly selective colleges in that we choose to support a non-binding Early Action program as well as a binding Early Decision program, 给学生更大的灵活性,让他们选择适合自己的课程. At the same time, this has resulted in a large increase in early applicants and a larger percentage of our class enrolling from an early round.


We accept the Common Application, 申请由Scoir驱动的联盟, or QuestBridge Application. 我们建议所有学生首先提交 Preliminary Application. 申请赌博正规的十大网站是免费的.

The Preliminary Application is a free, 快速应用程序为我们提供了更好的洞察力,我们如何才能更好地为您服务, the student. 根据你告诉我们的信息,我们将提供信息来帮助你完成申请过程. 提交初步申请, 你表示打算在你的决定计划截止日期前完成你的申请.

除了你所选择的申请所需的论文之外, all applicants will be required to complete one Supplemental Essay for their application to be considered complete.

关于赌博正规的十大网站的街区规划, 学生们一次只专注于一门课, 培养与同学和教授的深入接触和勇敢的对话. 我们拥抱不同的观点,鼓励学生以不同的方式思考.   

在寻找谁将在CC茁壮成长的学生, 我们想更多地了解你的背景和经历.   

回答下面的提示之一, 请随意强调你自我认同的任何方面,这将有助于我们更好地了解你. This could include, but is not limited to, gender identity, first-generation status, race, ethnicity, political views, socioeconomic background, spirituality, or geographic origin.  特别是在种族方面, 请注意,在2023年美国最高法院的多数裁决中, 首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨说, “Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected the applicant’s life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise.”  

  • 告诉我们你从一次挑战你观点的经历中学到了什么. 
  • Provide one or two specific examples from your life that demonstrate your potential to advance CC’s commitment to antiracism. 
  • Describe how your personal experiences with a particular community make you a student who would benefit from Colorado College’s Block Plan.

Visit our 2023-24补充论文页 for further tips and insights. 推荐长度:250 - 300字.

We require your official transcript(s) through the end of your junior year and will eventually require your Mid-Year Report - first semester or trimester of your senior year - and Final Report grades. 我们没有具体要求的最低课程或科目数量, but students who have completed the most challenging college prepatory curriculum available at their school are generally most competitive in the evaluation process.


我们需要两份教师评估,最好是大三的, 来自核心科目:英语或语言艺术的老师, math, science, social studies, and foreign languages. 来自老师,主管,教练和其他人的推荐信是 not required, 但如果你觉得他们可以为你的候选资格提供新的、有吸引力的前景, they can be emailed to

这一项只适用于申请赌博正规的十大网站的提前决定学生. 有关决策计划的更多信息,请继续浏览 Decision Plans & Deadlines section on this page.

赌博正规的十大网站不需要考试. We believe in empowering students to share information with us that best represents their academic abilities and potential. 入学不需要标准化考试成绩. 你可以选择将SAT或ACT成绩作为申请的一部分. However, Colorado College does not penalize those who submit test scores and will only use them if they enhance your chances for admission. 如果你申请可选考试或提交的分数不能加强你的申请, 我们会更加重视你的学习成绩. Test scores, if submitted, 是否只是全面的一部分, 全面的评估也包括对个人成就的仔细评估, community involvement, and writing.

Please visit our Test-Optional 请参阅有关我们测试政策的更多信息.

如果你打算申请基于需求的经济援助, 你还需要提交其他材料,包括联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。, CSS Profile, and more. Please visit our financial aid page for more information.

如果你对艺术感兴趣, 我们邀请您提交一份视觉艺术的可选艺术补充, music, dance, theater, creative writing, or film. Art supplements will be included in a your application for consideration as part of our holistic review process.

艺术补充材料必须通过申请人门户网站提交. This part of the Applicant Portal will only appear if you indicated on your application that you would like to submit an art supplement. 


我们支持最大5gb的媒体文件, but please be advised that larger files will take longer to upload and may stall if you are on a wireless connection or one that cannot sustain a connection for the necessary period of time. 上传的文件不得超过75页. 我们支持以下文件格式:

Video: .3g2, .3gp, .avi, .m2v, .m4v, .mkv, .mov, .mpeg, .mpg, .mp4, .mxf, .webm, .wmv
Audio: .aac, .m4a, .mka, .mp3, .oga, .ogg, .wav
Slide: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff
Document: .doc, .docx, .odg, .odp, .odt, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .wpd

Note: You must submit your application first before the Art Supplement section will appear on your Applicant Portal.

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Decision Plans & Deadlines

学生可以选择申请提前决定(有约束力), Early Action (non-binding), 或Regular Action(非约束性). Early Decision is a binding method of application where the student commits to attend prior to receiving an offer of admission. Early Action and Regular Action are non-binding and students are able to consider their options until the May 1 National Candidate Reply Date.

如果申请经济援助,所有文件-包括 FAFSA, CSS Profile,以及更多-必须由您选择的应用程序提交. 直到我们收到所有必要的经济援助文件,你的申请才被认为是完整的. 我们建议在截止日期前至少两周完成FAFSA和CSS简介. Please visit our Financial Aid website for more information.


Decision Plan
Deadline Decision Released Candidate Reply
Early Decision I
November 1 December 12 January 15
Early Action November 1 December 19 May 1
Early Decision II
January 15 Mid-February Early March
Regular Action January 15 Mid-March May 1

How to apply

We accept three different applications for first-year students and will review all three with the same holistic standards in place - no one method offers an advantage over the others. 不管你选择如何申请, 我们建议从初步申请开始, 它允许我们创建您的申请人门户网站, 通知你你的申请人和经济援助清单, 并在您完成申请时为您提供建议.


Common Application

The Common Application was created in 1975 by a group of colleges seeking to make the application process easier, 它被近900所院校接受. 通用应用程序提供以下功能:

  • 学生只需输入一次个人信息, 所有通用应用程序的适用部分将填充.
  • 在应用程序中搜索和查看大学选项的简单方法.
  • 简化提交成绩单、推荐信和顾问信的流程.

Visit Common App for more information, or create an account and start your application.


赌博正规的十大网站在成立之初就加入了大学联盟. Our membership in the Coalition for College provides a range of resources for students and their supporters as they navigate the admissions process. 向联盟成员学校寻求建议, 在活动中与招生顾问联系的机会, and more on the Coalition’s website.

For students using Scoir 与高中辅导员一起寻找大学,申请过程很简单,只有两步: Start 同时在Scoir上为多个联盟学院建立申请. Then, finish 提交我们的补充问题. Get started by signing up or logging into your Scoir account. 

QuestBridge Application

Since 2013, 赌博正规的十大网站与QuestBridge合作,QuestBridge是一家为优秀学生提供匹配服务的非营利组织, 有机会接受高等教育的弱势学生. 欲了解更多有关此申请流程,请访问我们的 QuestBridge Application page.

Alternate Entry Options

赌博正规的十大网站的独特之处在于,一年级学生在申请时可以考虑各种入学选择. A traditional fall entry is the default consideration for most students under review by the Admission Committee, however, some students may be considered candidates for alternate entry options - especially if an interest has been indicated via an application or form.


Gap Year

In a typical year, approximately 50-60 admitted students elect to delay the start of their Colorado College education by designing and pursuing a year-long adventure of their own making, 或者考虑现有的选择. 尽管学生们有很多个人原因来追求间隔经历, 每个人都倾向于寻求体验式学习,而这在教室的范围内是找不到的.

被我们提前录取的学生, Early Action, 或常规行动项目可以提交间隔年申请,以延迟一年入学. 我们将批准以国家服务或宗教传教为目的的更长的间隔期. 被冬季开始课程录取的学生没有资格申请间隔年.

Visit our Gap Year 参考资料页获取更多信息, 包括请求和批准信息, and recommended programs.

Winter Start (Gap Semester)

Nearly every enrollment cycle, approximately 30 students admitted to our Winter Start program will embark on an independent semester-long gap experience in the fall semester before joining their classmates in January to enroll in their first block on campus.

Students admitted to our Winter Start program will participate in the Winter Start Orientation (WSO) and will also engage in our First Year Program — designed to prepare students for the rigors of the Block Plan.

Visit our Winter Start 参考资料页获取更多信息, 包括推荐的信贷和非信贷方案.

DACA & Undocumented Students

赌博正规的十大网站的所有申请者,无论国籍,都将被考虑录取. DACA和无证学生在赌博正规的十大网站得到很好的支持, 尽管赌博正规的十大网站的入学竞争非常激烈, 我们计划录取并资助那些在我们的过程中竞争成功的人. 我们满足每一个被录取的学生充分展示的需求, 在DACA和无证学生的情况下呢, 是通过学校的私人助学金来完成的吗.

请注意,我们现在的学生将继续得到我们的支持, 我们将持续关注联邦政府对DACA和无证学生的立场. 有关DACA和美国无证学生的资金和支持的更多信息, please visit the NASFAA给无证学生的提示表.

我们也鼓励学生参观 our DACA Resource page 了解更多关于DACA身份和赌博正规的十大网站的信息. 有关DACA和无证移民的入学问题,请联系 Alex Dominguez in the Office of Admission.

Athletic Recruitment


赌博正规的十大网站招收的学生将提高和享受智力, social, 还有我们学校提供的课外社团. 我们寻求对所提供的广泛严谨的智力体验感兴趣的学生, 并重视课外活动的作用, such as music, debate, theater, political action, and athletics, play on campus. 此外,我们致力于种族、民族、社会经济和地理多样性.

Recruitment Philosophy

Colorado College is committed to academic excellence and has established shared recruitment practices to strengthen athletic programs. The Office of Admission partners with the Athletic Department to ensure that students on all intercollegiate teams are representative of our student body and are admitted with the expectation of their full participation in the life of the college. 学生运动员应该意识到,我们已经承诺:

  • 所有录取决定仅由招生办公室以书面形式提交. 由非录取人员传达的关于录取决定状态的任何通知, including verbal commitments, 应该被视为初步的, unofficial, and subject to change.
  • No admission decision, including an Early Decision, will be made until the candidate's application is complete and all necessary supporting documentation has been received (including application, supplement, transcripts, 标准化考试成绩及推荐信).
  • 根据NCAA的政策,在三级项目中没有体育奖学金. Merit-based scholarship offers and need-based aid packages are made only by the Office of Financial Aid after the student has been admitted. 因此,我们建议家庭使用我们的 Net Price Calculator 在入学前预估出勤费用.

Coach's Role

而录取决定完全由录取委员会做出, 考虑教练对每个候选人的运动能力和潜在贡献的评估. 其他大学的教练可能会对学生运动员的能力进行不同的评估. 职位考虑也可能导致对申请人对团队价值的不同评估.

重要的是要记住,这是一个带有运动成分的大学录取过程, 这不是一个体育招生过程,不是有机会上大学的. Our coaches actively identify and recruit student-athletes and act as advocates for them; but no coach at the college has the authority to offer, promise, 或者保证任何被招募的学生运动员在即将到来的班级中占有一席之地.

我们鼓励有兴趣的学生运动员在各自的网站上填写招募表格 athletic team webpage 以便开始预审过程.


赌博正规的十大网站一直以个人为基础对申请人进行评估. 近年来,我们被问及我们关于家庭教育的政策, narrative transcripts, portfolio assessment, 以及其他非传统的方法来获得标准的高中成绩单. Please review 关于非传统申请者入学政策的更多信息

Report an issue - Last updated: 12/10/2023