CC100 & CC120


Taken during a student's first semester, the first-year foundations course sequence (CC100: Critical Inquiry Seminar & CC120: First-Year Writing Seminar) serve as the foundation to CC's General Education plan.

作为一个序列, these courses provide an introduction to disciplinary scholarship, the nature of the liberal arts, and learning on the block. In the first block (CC100), 学生们开始将文科理解为一种由各种认识论和方法论文化组成的特定社区. 本课程的目标是帮助学生了解不同的研究领域以不同的方式构建和组织知识, each with its own paradigms and assumptions. 第二个模块(CC120)建立在CC100的基础上,让学生理解学科实践和写作之间的关系. 本课程的目标是帮助学生理解每个学科在特定的话语社区中运作,每个话语社区都有自己的结构, 风格, 和形式.

所有CC100 & CC120 courses are linked, 这意味着同一CC100课程的学生将作为一个队列进入相关的CC120课程. 这些联系有助于加强在第一个街区发展起来的社会联系,让学生有更多的时间在街区一起学习.

秋季CC100课程 are also grouped into "thematic clusters.“这些集群旨在帮助学生在比较框架中思考学科知识的生产. Courses are clustered around a shared topic, 问题, or theme (i.e. "Operations of Power"). Although students are enrolled in a single CC100/CC120 course sequence, 集群中的所有课程都将提供定期的“融合体验”,为学生提供跨课程参与的机会,以比较各自课程中与共享主题相关的知识创造的不同方法.

Winter CC100 courses are not grouped into a thematic cluster, will still offer convergence experiences.

thematic clusters (fall start)

Ways of Being, Ways of Knowing

这类课程将考察认识和理解世界的各种不同的、与环境相关的方式, while exploring how these perspectives shape individual and collective experiences, 信仰, 和价值观. Click here to read more.

Seeing and Being Seen

这组课程将研究监控影响隐私和个人自由的多方面方式, the art of concealment in personal and public spheres, and the role of spectacle in shaping our understanding of the world around us. Click here to read more.

Ecological Borderlands

本课程将探讨生态系统与社会系统的交叉, 政治, and cultural factors, 同时也考虑边界和权力结构在形成这些复杂的相互作用中的作用.  Click here to read more.

Power, Culture, and Resistance

Courses in this cluster will examine the complex interplay between 权力, 文化, and resistance in various societies and historical contexts. 学生将探索不同形式的权力和权威如何塑造文化规范和表达, 同时也研究了挑战主导权力结构的各种抵抗策略和机制. Click here to read more.


这组课程将考察不同领域的公平和道德原则, including the sciences, 经济学, and mathematical sciences. 学生 will delve into the 道德 challenges, 道德困境, and equitable practices that shape these disciplines, 同时培养批判性思维和对公平在塑造我们的世界中的作用的更深入的理解. Click here to read more.

(Un)natural Relationships

本课程探讨人类与非人类生物之间的复杂关系, including plants and animals with emphasis on the ecological, 道德, 社会, and cultural dimensions of interspecies relationships. Click here to read more.

过去的 & Present in Critical Dialogue

这类课程考察了历史和当代文化与政治观点之间的动态相互作用, including how cultural and 政治 practices from the past shape and inform current issues, 辩论, and challenges in the global 景观. Click here to read more.

Culture, Embodiment, and Sensory Experience

Courses in this cluster examine the complex relationships between 文化, 体现, and sensory experience. 学生将探索文化背景如何塑造我们的身体体验和感官知觉, 同时也在研究这些因素如何相互作用,影响我们对世界的理解以及我们在其中的位置. Click here to read more.

Crossing Cultural Frontiers

Courses in this cluster examine the dynamic intersections of 文化, language, and identity. 学生将接触到不同的观点和经验,以加深对塑造我们世界的复杂文化边界的理解,并学习如何建立理解和联系的桥梁. Click here to read more.

Crime and Social Problems

这类课程研究犯罪、司法和社会问题之间复杂的相互作用. Click here to read more.

Winter Start Course Descriptions (2024)

CC104: Global Exchange in Art: Antiquity to the 20th Century (I)

Instructor: Gale Murray and Tamara Bentley
Learning Across the Liberal Arts Designation: Historical Perspectives

This art history course has a two-fold purpose. 我们将深入研究从古代到20世纪的不同传统艺术的具体案例研究. 除了, we will consider exchanges between these traditions in still life, 景观, 还有具象艺术. A number of the case studies will pertain to Europe, but we will also cover selected artists and art movements from China, 日本, and the Islamic world. To provide a point of reference for later material, we begin with a week comparing the Greco-Roman tradition in sculpture, 宗教, and philosophy with early Chinese pictorial art in tombs, considering the very different visual and intellectual emphases. Following weeks turn to Renaissance art in relation to humanism, Jesuit art in the Far East, women artists in the Netherlands, 中国花鸟图案的全球流通和启蒙时期的东方视野, and Dutch trade in blue and white ceramics.

CC120:Global Exchange in Art: Antiquity to the 20th Century (II)

Instructor: Gale Murray and Tamara Bentley

This block will center upon a tiered writing project, 包括与教授的辅导课,目的是改进每个学生的写作,并对他们的分析进行微调. Building on scholarly approaches introduced in the first block, additional methodologies will be considered, as well as scholars who combine multiple approaches. 从主题上讲,我们将考虑18世纪中西方园林设计的交流, Romanticism and Orientalism, Impressionism and the 日本ese print, and artistic responses to war in 20th century China and the West. Approaches will include close visual reading; literary tools as used in art; critical insights based on race, class, and gender; institutional forms of 权力 in relation to normative imagery; colonialism and race; and art used in 政治 contexts—at times supporting, 有时是批评, 民族国家的.


CC106: The Political Science of Critical Issues

Instructor: Elizabeth Coggins
Learning Across the Liberal Arts Designation: Societies & 人类行为

CC100课程旨在帮助学生开始理解文科作为一种由各种认识论和方法论文化组成的特定社区. Different fields of study construct and organize knowledge differently—and 政治 science, 和其他领域一样, has its own paradigms and assumptions. In this particular course, 我们将使用我们这个时代的三个“关键问题”作为工具,以加深对政治科学家如何观察的理解, 问题, and theorize about 政治 phenomena. 换句话说, 我们将利用这些问题来揭示政治科学的一些范式和假设. In particular we will focus on polarization, climate change, and race relations. 这些紧迫的社会政治问题将引导我们走上“像政治科学家一样思考”的道路.“我们将批判性地参与原创研究——无论是开创性的还是前沿的——来解决这些问题. Perhaps most importantly, 我们将开发工具来评估课程范围之外的问题和尚未出现在美国议程上的问题.S. 政治. 

CC120: Introduction to Political Philosophy

Instructor: John Grace

研究政治统治的基础和目的,以及关于正义意义的基本辩论, 自由, 权力, 权威, 法律和权利通过检查基本的,但竞争的观点,从古代, 中世纪的, 现代文本. Thinkers include, but are not limited to, Aristotle, Aquinas, Machiavelli, and Locke.  


报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/26/2023